Saturday, January 30, 2010

1 ceapa
1/2 ardei rosu sau o lg pasta de ardei
2 carnati tip cabanos
2 conserve mazare
aprox 1 ceasca de bulion
2 lg faina
1 lg smantana
patrunjel tocat
marar tocat
sare(si/sau vegeta)si piper dupa gust

Intr-o tigaie prajiti ceapa in 3 lg ulei la foc mediu. Adaugati pasta de ardei sau ardeiul tocat marunt si prajiti inca 2 minute. Taiati carnatul si puneti-l la prajit in tigaie pentru inca 3 minute.
Adaugati mazarea(impreuna cu apa de la conserva) si lasati pe foc pana incepe sa fiarba.
Intre timp, amestecati bulionul cu faina si 2 lg de apa(mie imi place sa adaug vreo 3-4 linguri de lapte in loc de apa, face mazarea mai dulce). Amestecati bine, sa nu se formeze cocoloase. Adaugati 1 polonic de lichid fierbinte de pe mazare si amestecati bine. Cand mazarea incepe sa fiarba, reduceti focul si adaugati amestecul de bulion cu faina. Amestecati repede. Daca e nevoie, mai adaugati apa sau ingroseala, dupa preferinte. Lasati sa fiarba la foc redus vreo 2 minute si apoi stingeti aragazul. Adaugati smantana si amestecati (e mai bine adaugata la vreo 3 minute dupa ce ati stins focul, altfel se va separa). Dupa gust, puneti sare, piper, marar si patrunjel.
Pofta buna.

1 medium onion
1/2 red bell pepper
2 polish sausages
2 cans(15 oz. each) Sweet Peas
5 oz. Tomato Sauce(about 1/3 can)
2 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tbsp. sour cream
1 tbsp. chopped Italian parsley(optional)
1 tbsp. chopped dill (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

In a skillet, saute the chopped onions in 3 tbsp. oil for 2 minutes at medium heat. Add the chopped bell peppers and saute for another 2 minutes. Cut the polish sausage in bite size pieces and add it to the skillet, cooking for an additional 3 minutes.
Add the cans of peas (along with the water) to the skillet, turn the heat to medium-high, and let it cook until it gets to a boil.
In the meantime, mix the tomato sauce with the flower and a couple of tablespoons of water. Mix it well. otherwise the flour will clump. Add some of the hot liquid from the skillet and mix well. When the peas are brought to a boil, reduce the heat and add the mixture of flour and tomato sauce. Stir in fast, to prevent clumping. If needed add more water, or more flour mixture, depending on the consistency you would like.Let it cook for about 2 minutes. Mix the sourcream with 2 tsp of water and add to the peas. Add salt and pepper to taste and the parsley and dill.


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