Monday, February 1, 2010

Acesta e unul din aperitivele cele mai de succes pe care le-am facut. Au fost incropite in marea graba, unul din aperitivele pentru ziua fiicei mele nefiind reusit, a trebuit sa caut altceva.
Avem nevoie de:

aluat de patiserie
1 ou batut
cascaval (dupa gust-mie imi place mult)
putina sare
seminte de chimen sau mac, sau ce va pofteste inima

Aluatul de patiserie l-am cumparat, gata facut in foi(destul de mari, cam cat un catalog scolar inchis -inca imi aduc aminte :) ). Am uns foaia cu oul batut, am ras cascavalul deasupra foii cu razatoarea cu gauri mici, am presarat sare (cascavalul tinde sa fie mai dulce si eu prefer sarat) si seminte de chimen, si l-am taiat in fasii cu "cutitul" de pizza(nu stiu cum sa numesc roata aia :)). Fasiile erau cam de grosimea degetului meu inelar si cam de 20 cm lungime. Le-am rasucit si am uns din nou cu ou partea de aluat care era acum expusa si nu fusese unsa in prealabil si le-am pus intr-o tava de aragaz joasa, pe o bucata de folie de aluminiu. Nu trebuie unsa foaia, deoarece aluatul e deja destul de gras. Se da la foc mijlociu (170 grade) si se lasa pana se fac aurii.

The idea for the Swiss Twist came to me when I was trying to think of appetizers for my daughter's birthday. One of the appetizers didn't turn out as planned so I had little time trying to come up with something. I decided to put to good use the sheets of puff pastry I was keeping in my freezer. It doesn't take long to defrost and it's really quick. Anyways, it had tremendous success with the guests and with my family.

You will need:
puff pastry sheets (the package usually comes with 2)
1 lightly beaten egg (egg wash, basically)
Swiss cheese (not the sliced one)
a little salt(the Swiss cheese is too sweet in my opinion, so I balance it out by adding salt)
caraway seeds

Let puff pastry defrost if frozen. Unroll it and egg wash it. Grate the cheese on the small grater on top of the puff pastry until covered. Sprinkle some salt and the caraway seeds. Cut the pastry with the pizza cutter. I did about 8 inches in length and about the width of my ring finger. Place aluminum foil or parchment paper on a cookie sheet;twist each piece and set on cookie sheet. Egg wash the parts of the pastry that are now exposed and haven't been egg washed before. Preheat oven to 350 F and place the Twists in the hot oven. Leave until they turn a gold color.


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