Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tort Mickey si Minnie Mouse/ Mickey & Minnie Mouse Birthday Cake
0 comments Posted by ana-maria at 10:40 PMMonday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Imi cer scuze pentru incosecventa mea pe blog, dar programul meu e asa de aglomerat(cu scoala, familia,etc) incat nu imi ramane mult timp pentru a scrie. voi incerca in acest timp sa imi completez retetele postate pana acum. sper sa revin cat de curand.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I found this recipe here. It's called Clone of a Cinnabon and it got a lot of great reviews and all 5 stars, so that I decided to try it. It was delicious. I just changed one thing-added a little more margarine than required. The first time I tried it I found it a little dry.
I copied the recipe straight from the original.
For the dough
1 cup warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
2 eggs, room temperature
1/3 cup margarine, melted(I used 1/2 cup)
4 1/2 cups bread flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup white sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons bread machine yeast
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1/3 cup butter, softened
1. Place ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Select dough cycle; press Start.
2. After the dough has doubled in size turn it out onto a lightly floured surface, cover and let rest for 10 minutes. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar and cinnamon.
3. Roll dough into a 16x21 inch rectangle. Spread dough with 1/3 cup butter and sprinkle evenly with sugar/cinnamon mixture. Roll up dough and cut into 12 rolls. Place rolls in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking pan. Cover and let rise until nearly doubled, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
4. Bake rolls in preheated oven until golden brown, about 15 minutes.
I didn't use the frosting the recipe called for, because personally, I don't care for frosting. I believe they are sweet enough as they are.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sora mea a facut aceasta budinca. E un mod delicios de a intrebuinta painea veche.
1/2 kg paine mai veche taiata in bucati
1 l lapte fierbinte
5 oua batute
2 cani zahar
extract de vanilie(sau zahar vanilat)
1 ceasca stafide
2-3 lg sos de mere(daca aveti)
scortisoara (dupa gust)
migdale feliate
Incalziti cuptorul in prealabil la 180 grade. Intr-un castron mai mare, turnati laptele fierbinte peste paine. Amestecati ouale cu zaharul, sosul de mere, scortisoara si vanilia. Adaugati compozitia la painea cu lapte si amestecati. Adaugati stafidele si amestecati din nou.
Ungeti o tava cu margarina si puneti compozitia in tava. Presarati migdalele taiate.. Se da la cuptor vreo 40 minute sau pana apare maro-aurie si inchegata. Se serveste fierbinte sau rece.
This was my sister's creation( she put a twist on a recipe she found). Great way to use stale bread. Recipe coming soon...
1 lb loaf white bread torn into small pieces
1 qt hot milk
5 eggs, beaten
2 cups sugar
2 tbsp vanilla extract
2-3 tbs apple sauce
1 cup golden raising
cinnamon -to taste
2 tbsp margarine
sliced almonds
Preheat oven to 350 F. In a large bowl, pour the hot milk over the bread. Blend eggs, sugar, cinnamon, apple sauce and vanilla. Stir egg mixture into the bread mixture and add raisins. Mix well. Coat the pan with margarine and pour the bread mixture in the pan. Put sliced almonds on top. Bake for 40 min or until firm and golden brown. Serve hot or cold
Labels: desert
Monday, February 1, 2010
Acesta e unul din aperitivele cele mai de succes pe care le-am facut. Au fost incropite in marea graba, unul din aperitivele pentru ziua fiicei mele nefiind reusit, a trebuit sa caut altceva.
Avem nevoie de:
aluat de patiserie
1 ou batut
cascaval (dupa gust-mie imi place mult)
putina sare
seminte de chimen sau mac, sau ce va pofteste inima
Aluatul de patiserie l-am cumparat, gata facut in foi(destul de mari, cam cat un catalog scolar inchis -inca imi aduc aminte :) ). Am uns foaia cu oul batut, am ras cascavalul deasupra foii cu razatoarea cu gauri mici, am presarat sare (cascavalul tinde sa fie mai dulce si eu prefer sarat) si seminte de chimen, si l-am taiat in fasii cu "cutitul" de pizza(nu stiu cum sa numesc roata aia :)). Fasiile erau cam de grosimea degetului meu inelar si cam de 20 cm lungime. Le-am rasucit si am uns din nou cu ou partea de aluat care era acum expusa si nu fusese unsa in prealabil si le-am pus intr-o tava de aragaz joasa, pe o bucata de folie de aluminiu. Nu trebuie unsa foaia, deoarece aluatul e deja destul de gras. Se da la foc mijlociu (170 grade) si se lasa pana se fac aurii.
The idea for the Swiss Twist came to me when I was trying to think of appetizers for my daughter's birthday. One of the appetizers didn't turn out as planned so I had little time trying to come up with something. I decided to put to good use the sheets of puff pastry I was keeping in my freezer. It doesn't take long to defrost and it's really quick. Anyways, it had tremendous success with the guests and with my family.
You will need:
puff pastry sheets (the package usually comes with 2)
1 lightly beaten egg (egg wash, basically)
Swiss cheese (not the sliced one)
a little salt(the Swiss cheese is too sweet in my opinion, so I balance it out by adding salt)
caraway seeds
Let puff pastry defrost if frozen. Unroll it and egg wash it. Grate the cheese on the small grater on top of the puff pastry until covered. Sprinkle some salt and the caraway seeds. Cut the pastry with the pizza cutter. I did about 8 inches in length and about the width of my ring finger. Place aluminum foil or parchment paper on a cookie sheet;twist each piece and set on cookie sheet. Egg wash the parts of the pastry that are now exposed and haven't been egg washed before. Preheat oven to 350 F and place the Twists in the hot oven. Leave until they turn a gold color.
Labels: aperitive
Saturday, January 30, 2010
1 ceapa
1/2 ardei rosu sau o lg pasta de ardei
2 carnati tip cabanos
2 conserve mazare
aprox 1 ceasca de bulion
2 lg faina
1 lg smantana
patrunjel tocat
marar tocat
sare(si/sau vegeta)si piper dupa gust
Intr-o tigaie prajiti ceapa in 3 lg ulei la foc mediu. Adaugati pasta de ardei sau ardeiul tocat marunt si prajiti inca 2 minute. Taiati carnatul si puneti-l la prajit in tigaie pentru inca 3 minute.
Adaugati mazarea(impreuna cu apa de la conserva) si lasati pe foc pana incepe sa fiarba.
Intre timp, amestecati bulionul cu faina si 2 lg de apa(mie imi place sa adaug vreo 3-4 linguri de lapte in loc de apa, face mazarea mai dulce). Amestecati bine, sa nu se formeze cocoloase. Adaugati 1 polonic de lichid fierbinte de pe mazare si amestecati bine. Cand mazarea incepe sa fiarba, reduceti focul si adaugati amestecul de bulion cu faina. Amestecati repede. Daca e nevoie, mai adaugati apa sau ingroseala, dupa preferinte. Lasati sa fiarba la foc redus vreo 2 minute si apoi stingeti aragazul. Adaugati smantana si amestecati (e mai bine adaugata la vreo 3 minute dupa ce ati stins focul, altfel se va separa). Dupa gust, puneti sare, piper, marar si patrunjel.
Pofta buna.
1 medium onion
1/2 red bell pepper
2 polish sausages
2 cans(15 oz. each) Sweet Peas
5 oz. Tomato Sauce(about 1/3 can)
2 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tbsp. sour cream
1 tbsp. chopped Italian parsley(optional)
1 tbsp. chopped dill (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
In a skillet, saute the chopped onions in 3 tbsp. oil for 2 minutes at medium heat. Add the chopped bell peppers and saute for another 2 minutes. Cut the polish sausage in bite size pieces and add it to the skillet, cooking for an additional 3 minutes.
Add the cans of peas (along with the water) to the skillet, turn the heat to medium-high, and let it cook until it gets to a boil.
In the meantime, mix the tomato sauce with the flower and a couple of tablespoons of water. Mix it well. otherwise the flour will clump. Add some of the hot liquid from the skillet and mix well. When the peas are brought to a boil, reduce the heat and add the mixture of flour and tomato sauce. Stir in fast, to prevent clumping. If needed add more water, or more flour mixture, depending on the consistency you would like.Let it cook for about 2 minutes. Mix the sourcream with 2 tsp of water and add to the peas. Add salt and pepper to taste and the parsley and dill.
Labels: Preparate din carne de porc
Monday, January 25, 2010
Clatite cu dulceata de capsuni si peltea de gutui/ Crepes with strawberry jam and quince jelly
0 comments Posted by ana-maria at 10:58 AM
3 oua
2 linguri zahar
4 linguri cu varf faina
1 cana lapte
1 lg unt topit
3 eggs
2 tbs sugar
4 heaping tbs flour
1 cup milk
1 tbsp melted butter
Se amesteca ouale intregi cu zaharul si untul topit. Se adauga faina si se amesteca bine, sa nu ramana cocoloase. Se dilueaza cu tot laptele.
Clatitele se coc pe foc mic spre mediu, ca sa nu se arda. Din cauza ca este zahar in coca, se prind mai usor de tigaie, si aveti nevoie de o tigaie buna, de care nu se leaga. Se pune cam o jumatate de polonic (se mai potrivesc cantitatile in functie de polonicul fiecaruia :) ). Se umplu cu ce doriti: fruncte si frisca, ciocolata, branza, dulceata de orice fel, zahar, etc. Se servesc calde.
Mix together the eggs, sugar and butter. Add flour and mix well, make sure it's smooth. Add the milk and stir well.
Have a good frying pan available, I use the Circulon ones because food doesn't stick to them. Because there is sugar in the mix, it will cook faster, so you have to pay attention to prevent them from getting burnt. I put about 1/4 cup in my pan, but depending on the size of your pan, you might need to adjust the quantities. For the filling you can choose whichever you prefer: fruit and whipping cream, chocolate, cheese(like feta), any type of jam or jelly, powdered sugar, etc. Serve them hot.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Am sarbatorit de curand ziua gazei mele. Si pentru ca o iubesc mult, mult, mult...i-am facut un tort buuuunnn de tot, si l-am ornat cu teme din desenul ei preferat: Tinkerbell.
Reteta la tort am gasit-o aici , cu mentiunea ca blatul a fost din pandispan, insiropat cu compot de cirese, si la crema am folosit fructe de padure(zmeura, mure, afine) in loc de cele mentionate in reteta originala. A fost foarte gustos.
Labels: torturi
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Am gasit reteta pe internet, din nefericire nu imi aduc aminte unde, asa ca daca cineva stie, sa imi trimita linkul sa pot sa ii acord meritul.
1 branza brie
1 foaie de foietaj(aluat frantuzesc/aluat de haios)
4 lg dulceata de caise,macese
migdale taiate si prajite
Eu am folosit foietaj cumparat din magazin, si am folosit 2 foi, pentru ca am avut o roata de branza mai mare.Le-am lipit umezindu-le cu apa la "cusatura" si rulandu-le putin cu sucitorul. Am pus roata de branza la mijloc, dulceata pe deasupra si migdalele peste dulceata. Am strans apoi aluatul in jurul branzei si l-am legat cu ata de bucatarie. Am taiat aluatul care e in exces, si am uns cu ou. L-am pus in cuptorul incalzit dinainte la 230 grade Celsius,sau 435 Fahrenheit si l-am lasat 25 minute. Arata superb si are un gust extraordinar. A fost foarte laudat.
I found the recipe online, but I don't remember the link. If anyone recognizes the recipe, please leave me a message so I can give proper credit. Thanks
1 brie cheese
1 pckg puff pastry
1/4 cup apricot or rose hip jam
roasted sliced almonds
I bought a President's Brie Cheese from Costco, and since it's pretty big, i had to use the whole package of puff pastry. To unite the two sheets of pastry, i moistened the "seam" where I would put the two sheets together, and used the rolling pin to make sure they stick a little better, and to level the pastry sheets under where the cheese was supposed to sit. I placed the cheese in the middle (you're supposed to leave the rind on) and put the apricot preserve on top, and the almonds on top of the jam. I liked the flavor of the almonds, so I used as many as I wanted...I didn't follow the recipe for that one. Wrap the pastry around the brie, tie with kitchen string, cut out the excess pastry, and brush with an egg wash. Bake for 25 minutes in a 425 preheated oven. Enjoy. We LOVED it.
Labels: aperitive